Free Assessment
Please send details of energy use at your site. Please help your business meet government targets, reduce carbon emissions, save energy, earn government incentives 20 yrs into the future...
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RE: FREE Biomass Systems/ Solar PV Arrays- Non-Domestic Facilities
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Beehive Energy Assessments have access to a range of fully operational Biomass Boiler/ CHP plant systems installed with no need for budget or lines of credit to be affected using Power Purchase Agreements or Operational Rental Agreements if requested.
Electricity generation can be added to existing biomass boiler installations and AD. Our range of cost effective quality biomass boilers/ combined heat and power solutions cater for applications such as:
- Hot water for dairy parlour washing (any biomass size suitable depending on energy requirements - see below),
- Industrial air blown space heating,
- Rearing and growing with distributed heat,
- Kiln drying of logs and crops - Quality humidity controlled kiln containers can be added to biomass heat sources,
- All heated buildings - Hotels, leisure, care homes, hospitals, offices, greenhouses, heat treatment, food industry, cleaning,
- Steam/ cooling - Water treatment, refinement, cold stores, process chillers,
- Domestic all-in-one/ commercial
electricity generation added to the benefits of biomass boilers for biomass CHP,
- Waste-to-Power - Large scale AD and pyrolysis, medium scale AD and smaller sizes coming soon, especially for food, plastics and wood.
To match your energy use data for you with energy and carbon saving technology, we also look at::
- Plant scale Gas CHP Enginesand micro-CHP with a wide variety of sizes available,
- Roof-top Solar PV - drastic cuts have been delayed until February, but DNO takes 6 weeks. Even so, we have new electricity rate-reducing offers in the new year on a free to fit principle. Please ask urgently if you would like us to fit in your install in time for current FIT rates.
- New Solar Roofs to save on combined construction when replacing roofs,
- Domestic/ Commercial Battery Integration coming soon,
- Efficient Infra-red Radiant Heating Panels,
- LED lighting.
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ROOFTOP solar PV systems are subject to a delayed reduction in the FIT after the New Year. By adding about 1/3 to the cost of a new roof, our SOLAR ROOFS provide an even more cost effective solutions to on-site generation! Quotes provided from construction plans. Solar power is a round peg that does not fit in the square hole of energy demand - BATTERY INTEGRATION solutions increase on-site use by up to 70% + full FIT. If no space for biomass, our elegant INFRA-RED HEATING PANELS efficiently radiate. Save up to 65%. Lighting uses a lot of electricity. Use LEDs instead of inefficient lighting save consumption by up to 90%.
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Solar PV installations are urgent before removal of Feed-in Tariffs (F.I.T.s) soon after 1st January 2016 (opposition has caused delays).
- SOLAR ROOF - Solar PV installation costs shared with that of a new roofs
- BATTERY STORAGE - to even out electricity supply vs. demand patterns
These are bonuses to solar PV, as well as the following moving forward: | |
Biomass Boiler Case Studies | |
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Studies
Case Study
Care Home
Case Study
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Combined Heat & Power (C.H.P.) that qualifies for the Renewable Heat Incentive for heat generated with on-site Electricity Generation and Feed-In Tariffs for exported electricity:
- Carbon-neutral biomass fuel such as pellets/ woodchip/ your own woody waste (if in enough quantities and is pure enough to be accredited on the BSL) Some processes can feed back to reduce moisture content.
- Anaerobic digestion (A.D.)/ Waste to Power combustion via clean pyrolysis, responsibly transforming all manner of waste to usable gas.
- Efficient piping products that deliver heat to various areas of the site with less than 3% loss.
- Heat recovery from steam processes such as waste water treatment into electricity through turbines.
- Use of heat generated during electricity generation - space / water/ steam/ cooling/ pre-heating
- C.H.P. micro-plant size options for cheaper onsite electricity generation for domestic scale upwards.
- Organic Rankin Cycle efficient plant equipment for installations requiring 800kWth+ run using a large variety of waste. Due to very high temperatures and high specification turbo engines, this equipment generates the largest percentage of electricity vs. heat.
Renewable Heat Incentive (R.H.I.) payments are due from government for every kWh of heat generated from CHP that uses biofuel due to it being a renewable rather than fossil fuel. Current R.H.I.s due to be reduced as with solar F.I.T.s. - so prompt action is needed! | |
Combined Heat & Power (C.H.P.) Besides F.I.T. / R.H.I. dependant technologies:
- For those with especially high combined energy demand over £750,000: Super efficient gas/ waste to power engines generate up to 40% electricity 40% heat.
- We would be happy to show you around a reference plant following initial review of your energy spend data.
- On-site generation brings the benefits of reduced losses from power stations in unused heat and transmission.
- Capital Outlay need not be prohibitive. Benefits are shared with the funder. If it is viable for them, it is viable for you.
- Save from day one while having a system fully fitted and maintained WITH NO NEED FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURE.
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Funding Options
The price of technical advancements has been prohibitive for many companies. By using our O.R.A. you receive the fantastic full benefits just a few years down the line when the agreement has been satisfied by the payments in the agreement, balanced in length to match the quarterly benefits due from the installation.
Some companies do not want the hassle of running a system. Maintenance is included in a P.P.A. Fuel deliveries, loading of the hopper, remote monitoring, routing service and maintenance are taken care of. P.P.A.s are usually over a 20 year lease giving a reduction in fuel costs from day one.
Current F.I.T. / R.H.I.s create excellent revenue with the potential to wrap other business investments into an O.R.A. with no need for capital expenditure. Many of our products do not rely on F.I.T. / R.H.I., are beneficial in their own right providing energy savings that increase your return on investment. Terms are negotiable.
Wood pellets/ chip/ natural waste materials/ anaerobic digestion/ gas/ waste combustion provide: Opportunities to install renewable energy building services upgrades that are effectively FREE under an Operational Rental Agreement or Power Purchase Agreement, while F.I.T./ R.H.I. rates are highest. | |
Operational Rental Agreement (O.R.A.) Benefits:
- No need for capital expenditure
- Does not affect existing credit lines
- Seize the opportunity to generate your own electricity/ renewable heat
- Install fully operational energy generating equipment
- FIT/ RHI/ Savings cover the O.R.A repayments
- Equipment, therefore all benefits, are yours after the term that you choose
- More frequently successful than traditional finance
- Acceptance and rates can be determined in 48 hours
- Terms of up to 5 yrs for charities, 10 yrs for limited companies & 15 years for blue chip companies
- Longer terms available than anywhere else, making Our O.R.A. truly unique.
- Fund your own building related benefit-generating projects too, just send details.
- Ability to wrap in LEDs, insulation, infra-red heating, batteries, heat recovery extras
- Fund your own building related benefit-generating projects too, just send details.
- No penalty for early repayment or moving of equipment
- Change to renewable/ efficient sources to avoid carbon taxes
- Fix available government incentives at their peak!
YOUR BUSINESS has the option of buying out the O.R.A. with the next budget, no fees, just the portion of annual interest due, therefore enabling the installation of efficient energy and carbon saving equipments now, while the government is giving away payments per kWH to encourage uptake. | |
Biomass Boiler and Combined Heat and Power Brochures | |
Domestic Range
Smaller Biomass Boilers for the Home
Compact Exterior
Space Saving Exterior Solutions
E-Compact i-Gen
Efficiency and Maintenance Monitoring
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Dairy Pod
Dairy Parlour Washing Equipment
Industrial Air Blowers
Gasification Boilers
Clean Log Burners
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Dairy Pod Sample Calculator
Sirocco 40KW Sample Calculator
Sirocco 60KW Sample Calculator
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SuperMax Range
Pellet Storage
Heat and Electricity Generation
The Process
Book your assessment
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Heat Recovery
Process Generation Modules
Renewable Energy CHP
Assessment Form
Electricity from Steam/ Biomass/ Gas
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Details of Renewable Technologies other than Retrofitted Solar PV:
We have a number of other renewable technologies available with O.R.A. funding where required:
- Biomass - Great alternative carbon neutral renewable fuel, generally competitive to current low gas and oil prices, yet much cheaper than LPG or ELECTRIC heating AND QUALIFYING FOR 4.18p/kWh R.H.I., so great for remote locations, and for companies that can get BSL accreditation for their wood or other dry waste. (Please enquire about on average 65% more efficient infra-red electric radiant panels if you have no space for biomass storage or plant inside or in a new container sized system outside)
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP plants can generate 8 times more electricity per MW that solar, with carbon neutral biomass fuelled option)
- Waste to power using Pyrolysis Technology - Process heat is fed back to reduce moisture content where necessary. Gas is produced in an anaerobic environment to provide clean combustion and electricity generation with govenment incentives.
- Micro-CHP and Micro-Pyrolysis - Environmentally friendly CARBON NEUTRAL biofuel or waste to GAS and ELECTRIC - BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW for maximising chances of installing at the HIGHEST RENEWABLE INCENTIVE RATES before further cuts.
- Gas producing Anaerobic Digestion (e.g. energy crops, animal/ plant/ brewing/ food/ untreated pulp/ sawdust/ sewage waste)
- Heat recovery (Heat exchangers, Air source heat pumps ASHP, Ground source heat pumps GSHP) - wrapped into a CHP/ biomass/ Solar PV funded install.
- LED lighting upgrades - Up to 90% saving on traditional strip lights, shortens payback times of other technologies if combined)
- Infra-red efficient radiant heating - Up to 65% saving on traditional heating, elegant, can shorten payback times of other technologies if combined.
- Battery storage - Growatt for domestic and Flow Battery technology for commercial applications.
- Energy saving building refurbishment,
- Building development - Funding available for construction projects, where builders can find sites and have the work, while we develop and fund the design)
- New solar roofs - Combine to cost of construction with energy generation benefits, making solar viable even after FIT cuts, generally a third more expensive than standard roof, however, installation costs are shared and extra benefits received, please send plans for a quote
- Other business investments such as new efficient machinery wrapped into FIT/ RHI based project
- Pure funding for your own projects, even if not renewable technology, but when classed as a business capital investment.
Maintenance and/ or fuel contracts available. | |
Kind Regards,
Bianca Janossy NDArt, BA(Hons)Arch, MA CIA, NDEA Renewable Energy Solutions Consultant Beehive Energy Assessments 9 Silver Street Bradford-on-Avon Wiltshire BA15 1JY
Telephone : 01225 920 199 Mobile : 07886 034 019 Email : biancaj@beehiveenergy.co.uk
Find out how you can take advantage of our Green Renewable Energy Fund.
Biomass Boilers, Combined Heat and Power, Infra-Red Heating, Solar PV New Roofs & LED.
FREE Energy Saving, Revenue and Site Assessments for your Business
Beehive Energy Ltd. Trading as Beehive Energy Assessments, Company no. 09845466 Registered address: Enterprise House, Timbrell Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8PL
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