RE: FREE or PAID Commercial Biomass Boilers, Solar PV, Infrared Heating and CHP for your business
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Discover your indicative calculated energy savings and carbon reduction for your business, via email with no hassle!
We help ALL types of business from blue chip PLC’s to farmers and it costs nothing to find out!
Let us help your business benefit the most from:
- Large Energy Savings/ Government Incentive Revenue
- Energy Supply Security
- Carbon Reduction
- Renewable and Waste Fuel to Heat and Power Generation
We offer a free service to help install fully operational renewable plant systems with no need for budget or lines of credit to be affected through Power Purchase/ Lease/ Hire Purchase Agreements, unless you prefer to use your own finance or capital. Either way, we are here to save you time in compiling information to cover the following technologies available at all scales:
- Biomass boilers, Cogetherm Compact Biomass Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
- Biomass Steam Boilers with Organic Rankin Cycle (ORC) Turbines
- Existing Heat Recovery ORC Steam Turbines for Electrical Generation
- Biomass Gasification and/ or Gas Combined Heat and Power
- Infra-Red radiant efficient heating technology, great for large spaces or non-airtight buildings
- Air, Ground and Geothermal Heat Pumps
- New Solar-Roof PV to combine costs for continued viability
- Multi-site pooled solar PV free to fit long leases for reduced electricity PPAs
- Professionally specified LED re-fits
- Large Scale Anaerobic Digestion/ Pyrolysis Combustion
- Waste Pelletization/ Vortex Incineration/ Bubbling Bed Gasification
- Fuel Supply and Waste Stream Sale
- Hybrid Inverters available now/ Battery Integration coming soon
- Demand Side Response and Back-up Generators with grid balancing incentives
- Accompanying site works and building development can often be funded
- NEW! Incentives up for grabs for existing gas CHP and new projects.
Biomass Boiler/ Biomass Combined Heat and Power (CHP) - The following points are suggestions towards useful information, please call in the first instance to discuss any projects you have in mind. Following our assistance to record relevant details, including initial discussions with you about possible solutions, please continue to gather the following to be submitted site by site to catch government incentives at their highest and receive a:
FREE Energy Saving Plan showing technology that is guaranteed to save your business money whilst helping our planet.
- Existing Power Ratings in KW (heating/ cooling/ lighting equipment)
- Details of electricity and heating kWhs/ litres used and charges (1/2 hourly spreadsheets/ meter readings, p/kWh, other charges, kWhs used)
- Your electricity/ steam/ heat/ cooling demand patterns? (Steady? Min. max loads, seasonal? Operational hours/ days)
- Fuels and equipment used for space / water/ steam/ cooling/ pre-heating/ crop drying? - Type, flow and return temperatures required, kWhs required, any steam pressure and amounts required, water quantities and/or space type to be heated, any cooling equipment that may benefit from pre-cooling absorption chillers, any potential for ORC heat recovery)
- Any residual waste such as plant matter, plastics, rubber, hazardous medical waste? (Type/ tonnes per year)
- Space available inside or outside? (For boiler/ ORC turbine/ external container/ silos/ deliveries)
- Any technology already installed to reduce carbon footprint and energy consumption?
- Existing space heating requirements for air blown heating, biomass fuelled central heating or Infra-Red Heating comparison Building plans/ dimensions with temperature/ KW or BTUs required, window/ doors, number of exposed walls, age of building/ amount of roof/ wall insulation.
- THESE QUESTIONS ARE CONTAINED WITHIN: Principal Questions for ORC CHP and Biomass Viability Calculations
- And if interested in plant scale high efficiency clean waste-to-power combustion CHP Principal Questions for Vortex Viability and Demonstration
Please call, we are here to speed up the recording of relevant details.
Once we receive key data, we will provide a report via email. Should you wish then to act on the information, we will send out an Engineer to discuss options best suited for your business and to clarify financial saving calculations with funding options.
We have helped business save millions of pounds in energy spend, let us help you!
If your unable to email the details at this time or wish to be asked relevant questions:
Please simply call We are here to save you time on:
01225 920 199/ 07886 034 019
A consultant will go through the details with you and can arrange a visit at your convenience.